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Spomb Spod Bomb

This product seems set to create a revolution in the way we deliver bait samples to a swim. Spods catapults throwing sticks etc work well for certain situations and usually for specific baits.
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Product Description
This product seems set to create a revolution in the way we deliver bait samples to a swim. Spods catapults throwing sticks etc work well for certain situations and usually for specific baits. But the Spomb`s aerodynamic and totally enclosed design makes it easy to cast and to deliver 100% of your bait on target each and every time. And there are no holes to clog or lose bait as there is with spods.
Why Spomb??
- AWESOME DISTANCE The aerodynamics of the Spomb are of a teardrop shape. This is certainly the ultimate product for flight through the air with the minimum resistance. Furthest measured cast distance is 190 yards (173 metres)!
- INSTANT BAIT DELIVERY When the Spomb contacts the water the body is released fully open so washing the bait out instantly.
- FAST AQUAPLANE RETRIEVE The Spomb floats once opened and glides effortlessly across the top of the water with no spinning or line twist even in the strongest of winds. Other Spods have too much resistance on retrieve.
- NO BAIT LOSS Once the Spomb is loaded because the container is closed shut no bait will come out until it impacts with the water and opens. Spods with an open end or with holeslet the bait fall out.
- ANY BAIT Anything that fits inside the Spomb can be cast out including: pellets boilies hemp corn mixer bread maggots worms particles etc.
- NO NEED TO MIX All baits can just be loaded into the Spomb without any need to mix. If you wish to mix balls of groundbait though these can be cast accurately to a given distance even at a very long range.
- GOOD WIND ACCURACY Wind has very little effect on its flight because of the aerodynamics. Even with a strong cross-wind its accuracy and distance are remarkable.
Three different sizes are available:
- Large - Capacity for up to 60 15mm boilies. Best suited for spod rods with test curves of 4lb+.
- Mini - About 1/4 of the capacity of the Large Spomb. Can be cast easily on rods able to throw a 3oz lead.
- Midi Spomb - Newly introduced is the Midi Spomb which bridges the gap between the Mini and Standard version and is believed to be the perfect size for most people. 90g (approximate weight when fully loaded with hemp).
All sizes are also available in either black or white.
Some FACTS about using The Spomb Does it have to land on the button to open? NO not with a heavy load. If using lighter bait such as bread or mixer it would open better if you did let it go nose first. Can I feather it down? YES but make sure red button is on standard latch setting - as first purchased. When should I turn the red button round 180 degrees for a the stronger latch? The red button latch is set up for the average angler and British weather. The stronger latch is an option when fishing in extreme weather conditions strong wind and rain in your face. or extremely hot weather. The World`s longest casters would use the stronger latch to prevent it opening on very long casts. What happens if it fails to open? Ensure you have the red button set for the standard latch. Especially if wishing to feather it down. If this did happen just reel in and cast again. Can I use wet bait? YES as long as you fill the cargo area behind the button section. Nothing will be able to move to the button section except for liquid which will not prevent it from opening. When reeling on retrieve this washes and cleans the Spomb.